A user on OpenZiti’s community forum is interested in using the dotnet sdk with CloudZiti. Here’s how you would do that:
Obtain a CloudZiti/NetFoundry Console login and login
Create an endpoint named “weather.demo” (no attributes needed) :
download the jwt to your local computer and put it into the folder of your choice. I’ll put it into my WSL instance at
but you could put it anywhere you like. -
make a new “Simple Service” (you could use any service type, this is just an example of doing it) Make sure you choose “Endpoint Hosted” and choose the identity of your private router. In my example, my private router is “@_dovanet_inovato_er” as shown:
Add an appwan and authorize the dialing client. You can see I added
to my appwan (#1) and authorize the “weather.demo” identity as shown (#2):
on your dev machine run the dotnet sample. Start by
ing to theSamples
directory -
dotnet run weather /tmp/weather.demo.jwt
and replace the path accordingly (if needed)
You should enjoy the weather from your dotnet app, via OpenZiti