What's the router endpoint for my CloudZiti network?

I’m running ziti router run on pfSense (FreeBSD) and I can’t use any CloudZiti VM or container or package, so I need the ctrl.endpoint value for my router’s config.yml for my CloudZiti network for which I chose the custom DNS ziti.example.com when I first created it.

I’m using a fictitious DNS and IP in this report.

I found some hints in https://support.netfoundry.io/hc/en-us/articles/360044772432-How-to-Manually-Configure-an-Edge-Router, but it’s missing this detail about the endpoint.

I used this test to make sure I have the correct address, but the router is not working:

# same result for DNS:443 and IP:443
❯ openssl s_client -connect ziti.example.com:443 -alpn ziti-ctrl <>/dev/null |& openssl x509 -noout -subject
subject=C = US, ST = NC, L = Charlotte, O = NetFoundry, OU = AdvDev, CN =

I tried these two values based on the above.

  endpoint: "tls:"


  endpoint: "tls:ziti.example.com:443"

I get the same errors for either value from ziti router run:

[   1.378]   ERROR ziti/router/env.(*networkControllers).connectToControllerWithBackoff.func2: {error=[error connecting ctrl (remote error: tls: error decrypting message)] endpoint=[tls:]} unable to connect controller
[   1.677]   ERROR ziti/router/env.(*networkControllers).connectToControllerWithBackoff.func2: {endpoint=[tls:] error=[error connecting ctrl (remote error: tls: error decrypting message)]} unable to connect controller

I could not find the port info in the console under “firewall info,” but I found in the support article linked in the console that routers also use port 6262.

I get a different server cert from that address, but I don’t recognize the subject’s common name, and I get the same errors from ziti router run if I use that address.

❯ openssl s_client -connect ziti.example.com:6262 <>/dev/null |& openssl x509 -noout -subject
subject=C = US, ST = NC, L = Charlotte, O = NetFoundry, OU = Ziti, CN = IvJNnCgb-F

Thanks for the guidance! I couldn’t think of anything else to try. :smiling_face:

I can verify the server certificate, and confirmed it has DNS SAN for my custom DNS and IP SAN for the IP.

❯ openssl s_client -connect ziti.example.com:443 -alpn ziti-ctrl <>/dev/null |& openssl x509 -noout -text | grep -A1 Subject\ Alternative\ Name
            X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: 
                IP Address:, IP Address:, DNS:localhost, DNS:{{network id redacted}}.production.netfoundry.io, DNS:ziti.example.com

❯ openssl verify -CAfile ./certs/root.ca -untrusted ./certs/intermediate.ca ./certs/ctrl-server.pem
./certs/ctrl-server.pem: OK

❯ curl -sk https://ziti.example.com/edge/client/v1 | jq .data.version