Host with ziti becomes unreachable though netfoundry

I am currently facing some problems with Netfoundry.
In particular, I keep getting these warning/error messages when I check “systemctl status ziti-edge-tunnel.service”:

Also, it seems that the host I try to reach through NetFoundry, loses its connectivity every 20/30 mins, so I am forced to do “systemctl restart ziti-edge-tunnel.service” by hand every time.

Do you know how can I solve this problem?

HI Tguare,
What is the version of the ziti-edge-tunnel you have deployed ?


Hi Rahul!
It is v0.21.6-local

Best regards,

Hi Tommaso,

There is a known bug in the version v0.21.6-local for the exact behavior you are observing in your setup where tunneler is not able to connect the edge routers.

Can you please downgrade the version to v0.21.5-local & check the working status.

Command to be used → sudo apt install ziti-edge-tunnel=0.21.5


Thank you very much Rahul!
I will try now and let you know.

Best regards,

Hey Tommaso,

Meanwhile can you get me the Network name ( you created in NF console through teams account) & your contact email.
