Hi there, I’m enjoying the free Teams plan. I have 7 endpoints and 1 router. I had just deleted two routers because I saw an error message that I had hit the limit of 10 and I wanted to make room for one router in a different location. I now have total of 8 items, but I still get an error and can not create an endpoint or router with my two remaining slots. I think it’s counting the ones I deleted! Thanks for any ideas you can give me to fix this. Do I have to wait a while after I delete something?
Hi Ken,
Please share the org and network names that you have created to check the details. We recently updated the policy to count the network controller and registered edge routers for the sum of 10 EPs.
It’s kencloud / kencloud1 and I am able to create up to two routers this morning, after a few hours following the delete. It seems that my controller is not being counted against the quota, and deleted routers are counted.
@dinesh.subramanian - Can you check this one?
Hi Ken, I see 4 routers and 8 endpoints on your network.
Yes, at this moment there are more than 10 because I have two private routers which each represent two components.
@qrkourier It’s possible that when when you deleted your customer hosted edge routers it may have taken some time for the associated “managed” endpoints to be cleaned up/removed. It looks like your account is now currently showing the correct total of 10 components used.
@ryan.galletto Thank you for that insight, but it’s not clear at all how long is this delay, and there’s no indication that I need to wait. Rather, it appears to me as a user that something has malfunctioned because I’ve already deleted the router and there’s nothing else for me to do and the router is no longer appearing in my console.
@qrkourier Were the routers you initially deleted “Customer Hosted” routers or “Net Foundry” hosted routers (ie. routers hosted in a data center)?
@ryan.galletto Those two that I deleted were NF hosted routers, not customer private routers.