Why is it important to create the customer router in the same region as the controller?
Check at the upper-left corner of your AWS Console that you are in the same region as with your edge router in the NetFoundry console.
From: https://netfoundry.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4405639573389
hi @kbingham
Can you highlight the section in the support guide which recommends so? Asking since there is no such recommendation from NF
Hi Sure, Yes, the quote is from the link in my post.
hi @kbingham - sorry for the delayed response. The remark means that the user selects the AWS region in the AWS console where the edge router needs to be provisioned. It does not mean the controller. I’ve modified the statement in the guide to make it simple “Check at the upper-left corner of your AWS Console that you are in the region where you want to spin up your edge router.”
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